Step 1 of 3

At 10°C, a home can kill.*

Will you help an older person turn the heating on?

Last winter, older people across the UK died due to cold homes, simply because they couldn't afford to turn the heating on. This winter’s cold weather means even more lives could be at risk.

Please help us answer urgent calls from older people that need our support to unlock the welfare benefits that will let them turn the heating on and could save their life this winter.

Step1 header image
£10 will help fund our expert Helpline team, who are answering daily calls from older people who need support to unlock the welfare benefits they need to heat their home.
£28 will answer an urgent call from an older person, so they can speak to an expert Helpline Adviser and unlock the welfare benefits they need to heat their home.
£84 will answer three urgent calls from older people, so they can speak to an expert Helpline Adviser and unlock the welfare benefits they need to heat their home.
£3 will mean we can answer urgent calls and provide tailored, expert advice and support to older people living in poverty this winter and throughout the year. 
£8 will mean we can answer urgent calls and provide tailored, expert advice and support to older people living in poverty this winter and throughout the year. 
£15 will mean we can answer urgent calls and provide tailored, expert advice and support to older people living in poverty this winter and throughout the year. 

About you

You are making a one-off donation of £10.00

Are you a UK taxpayer?
Turn your gift of into at no extra cost to you with Gift Aid.

Yes, I'd like Independent Age to claim Gift Aid on this donation, as well as any future donations.

*We will reclaim tax you’ve paid on donations made to Independent Age in the last four years and any future donations, unless you tell us otherwise. If you are no longer eligible for Gift Aid or if your name or address changes, let us know too. Call 020 7605 4223 or email

If you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all donations to us (and other organisations you support) it is your responsibility to pay back any difference.

Stay up to date

Expert advice, latest events or exciting new campaigns. Whatever your areas of interest, we can give you the information you want by post/email/phone/text message.

Please choose which updates you'd like to receive from us:

How your generosity helps older people in poverty and how you can support us, including through vital fundraising appeals, campaigns and events.
Our award-winning information and advice for older people, their families and carers and the other ways we can help.

Yes, I'm happy to be contacted by (please tick all the relevant methods):


We would like to keep in contact with you by post so we can share updates on how your support is making a difference.

No I do not wish to receive any mailings from Independent Age.
If you no longer want to hear from us or change your mind about how we contact you, you can email or call 020 7605 4223. We will never sell your data, and for further information about how we keep your data secure, you can visit our Privacy Policy

You are making a one-off donation of £10.00

Please enter your payment details below

In order to set up an online Direct Debit you must be the account holder of a personal bank or building society account and the sole required signatory on the account. Fields marked with a (*) must be completed.

Choose your first payment date

1st of month
8th of month
15th of month
22nd of month


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You are making a one-off donation of £10.00

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